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1. In __________, the crime rate has begun to drop due to neighborhood watch programs.

the past few years
a few years ago
few years
a few years since

2. Three responsibilities ________ are to search out, identify, and assess patentable inventions and technologies.

to a patent manager
with a patent manager
on a patent manager
of a patent manager

3. Disappointingly, many software companies have discovered a limited audience for ________ from the couch.

Web surfing
Web to surf
to Web surf
Web surfs

4. Shooting stars, otherwise known as meteorites, often fall to Earth in a pattern dictated ________ and Earth rotation.

to solar winds
by solar winds
on solar winds
which solar winds

5. Ink stains, commonly regarded __________ difficult stains to remove, will not succumb to the usual array of detergents and cleaners found in supermarkets.

as the most
to the most
in the most
through the most

6. Examples of selective use __________ are found in commercial leaf removal prior to harvest in the cotton and sugar beet industries.

of defoliants
by defoliants
in defoliants
through defoliants

7. Ethyl cyanoacetate is derived __________ of an alkali cyanide and chloroacetic ethyl ester.

at the reaction
from the reaction
to the reaction
above the reaction

8. On the second level of mammalian evolution, that __________ mammals or marsupials, the eggs are practially yolkless.

to the pouching
of the pouched
in the pouches
by the pouchable

9. Foraging ants make a network __________ around the nest .

inside roads
by roads
of roads
to roading

10. __________ its richness and varied coloring, Schubert 's Symphony in C has enjoyed a deserved reputation among classical music lovers.

Renowning by
Renownable to
Renowned for
Renowning with

11. The calyx and the corona buttercups were the first to know their own mind and to __________ their composition.

settle in
settle with
settle to
settle upon

12. To further the important study of solar radiation ___________ long range weather forecasting, the organization appropriated over ten percent of its budget.

as relation with
for relation on
by relation of
in relation to

13. Each part of the Hamilton watch is fashioned __________ the minutest precision and perfection of finish.


14. Once in China, the tourist may shop in quaint bazaars ___________ silks, laces, and jade.


15. The first convent was established __________ 1529, only eight years after the Spanish conquest of the region.

in Oaxaca in
at Oaxaca on
on Oaxaca by
to Oaxaca since

Answers: A , D, A , B, A , A, B , B, C , C, D, D, B, A
Tetap semangat dan terus tingkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Semoga tips dari saya bisa membantu Anda semua.
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1. With the passing of time and the encroachment of people, the habitat of gorillas __________ to decrease.

which continue
that it has continued

2. Sugar intake, particularly that of refined sugar, ________ curtailed by most overweight people wishing to lessen their corpulence.

must being
which must
must be

3. In recent months, the final mapping of the human genome ________ the range of medical treatments and cures available to those suffering from various diseases .

has extended
will extend
will have extended

4. Intelligent life on other planets, while remaining an intriguing possibility, ________ yet to be discovered .

has been
has not

5. Despite being basically arboreal in nature, koalas ________ to inhabit a specific territory and range of some 30 square miles.

which know
are knowing
are known

6. Initially elected as a labor leader, Jimmy Hoffa _________ mysteriously.

who vanished

7. Broccoli _________ best in gardens having loose, well-composted soil, and full sunlight.

had grown
which grows

8. Many of the novels of Kurt Vonnegut __________ a remarkable skepticism about the ultimate value of technological advances.

will have displayed
they display
had displayed

9. Because of copper's conductivity, it __________ for housing electrical cords and circuitry.

is valued
is being valuable
has valued

10. Numerous performances of Mozart's operas __________ in Austria long before the beginning of the 19th century.

had been performed
had performed
were performing

11. The memory of Juarez ___________ in Mexico more than that of any other man.

has venerated
will venerate
is venerated

12. At the railway station, the gray morning light __________ to filter in between the heavy stone pillars upon throng of straw-hatted peasants, Indian women carrying their burdens on their backs, and sleepy, tired soldiers.

is begun
was beginning

13. Like sentinels on guard, the slender spikes of monkshood __________ straight and tall among the grasses and herbs of moist mountain meadows.

are stood
will be stood
was standing

14. ___________ immense chasms filled with realistic rock forms resembling Oriental cities and castles of the Middle Ages.

Bryce Canyon have
In Bryce Canyon are
Bryce Canyon are having
This Bryce Canyon was had

15. Now a new way in tooth cleaning, different in formula and effect, __________ in the special film-removing dentifrice.

is embodied
had embodied
will be embodying

Answers: C , C, A , A, D , C, B , A, B , B, D, C, A, B, B

Tetap semangat dan terus tingkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Semoga tips dari saya bisa membantu Anda semua.
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Tak Perlu Takut atau Khawatir untuk Lolos Test

Mengapa Anda Perlu Lulus International Test?

Anda harus lulus ujian itu untuk mendapatkan sertifikat internasional yang menyatakan bahwa kalian sudah mempunyai bahasa dan pengetahuan khusus yang diakui dalam dunia internasional. Anda dapat menggunakan sertifikat untuk masuk universitas di seluruh dunia, mencari pekerjaan di luar negeri, bahkan dapat mengembalikan kewarganegaraan yang hilang dan juga bisa dipakai loch untuk pindah kewarganegaraan.
Apa Jenis Pengujian yang ada?

Setiap ujian diselenggarakan oleh organisasi yang berbeda pula. Dalam Amerika Serikat dikenal adanya lembaga internasional yaitu Educational Testing Services (ETS) yang mengembangkan tes TOEFL yang sudah dikenal banyak orang. Di Inggris ada beberapa lembaga yang dapat Anda ikuti. Semua digabungkan dalam ujian sistem 9-tingkat yang memungkinkan kalian untuk membandingkan satu sama lainnya. Anda perlu memeriksa dengan seksama dan berulang-ulang apakah universitas yang kalian pilih akan menerima hasil tes yang telah kalian ikuti atau dengan tes yang berbeda pula (hal ini jelas penting dan krusial sekali). Ada jenis tes khusus yang dibutuhkan di dunia bisnis tentunya, itu adalah: mereka yang tertarik untuk masa depan, for example: pengacara (lawyer), pekerja medis dan Master of Business Administration.
Tes itu seperti apa sich...?

Biasa ujian itu sendiri biasanya terdiri dari tata bahasa, pemahaman, menulis dan berbicara. Batasan usia Tes pengetahuan umum tentang bahasa yaitu tidak ada batasan umur. Beberapa ujian khusus yang dimiliki, seperti TEFL (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing) - Anda bisa mendapatkannya sejak usia 18 tahun. Di lain pihak, itu tidak terlalu terang ide untuk mengajarkan bahwa sebelum usia. Tes akademik seperti GRE dan GMAT Anda dapat melewati sejak usia 25 tahun. Beberapa tes kelompok anak-anak hanya memperbolehkan anak-anak muda yang memiliki usia minimal 16 tahun untuk berpartisipasi.
Berapa biaya tes?

Standar biayanya sendiri adalah $ 30-150 (sekitar 300 ribu rupiah sampai 1.5 juta rupiah)---(lumayan untuk berlibur^_^). Tetapi ada yang lebih mahal (waow...). Dan ingat bahwa hanya pembayaran untuk tes (ujiannya saja), anda juga perlu mempersiapkan (mengikuti preparation course)---misalnya di lembaga bimbingan English, for example LIA, EF, Embassy,etc,up2u...of course with separately (terpisah dengan biaya ujiannya), yang harus inisiatif diri sendiri untuk ikut ke beberapa sekolah/lembaga tadi. Jika anda gagal ujian, anda perlu membayar lagi untuk mencoba yang lain.
So, what will you choose...?
Saya akan memberikan ulasan perbedaan TOEFL, TOEIC, dan nantinya silakan Anda yang memilih...
Tetap semangat dan terus tingkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Semoga tips dari saya bisa membantu Anda semua.
Salam sukses..!
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READ MORE - Tak Perlu Takut atau Khawatir untuk Lolos Test

Review for great web for great job ateonsoft

Tak terasa yach.. weblog ku ini sudah berjalan 3 bulan. Ini pertama kalinya aku posting pakai bahasa Indonesia, bukan TOEFL pula,haha2x....Tapi, ini bukan tanpa tujuan...Waow, (berarti ada udang di balik rempeye yach ko"..)

Bisa aja...
maybe yes, maybe no...
But, it's time to shre with you..
Salah satu web andalan ku, yg sering aku kunjungi, karena fitur2 terbaiknya, bahkan pakar blog laennya tidak punya (maybe)...hehe adalah:
1. Search langsung klik, and then without text include. Maksudnya langsung diklik,n kita bisa langsung search.. Seperti di sini, ada kan, di sebelah kanan itu loch...
2. Posting terjadwal... I don't know why, but i's b'cozzzz... It's interesting and so kuerrrren karena... di web ntu kita bisa lihat artikel terjadwal.. Bagi2 ilmunya dunx masss....
Oh yach, jangan lupa, coba2 liat web andalan'ku... haha2x... ^_^ (take a look if u wanna to be a great new one...)

Tetap semangat dan terus tingkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Semoga tips dari saya bisa membantu Anda semua.
Salam sukses..!
See you on TOP!!
READ MORE - Review for great web for great job ateonsoft

Sample Test 4: Listening Part A

This is Free Sample Test for you, that want to practice TOEFL Test in the future..
Ok, click read more to see it, because this size is too big to see in this page.
Go on..

Section 1: Listening

The Listening section of the test measures the ability to understand conversatio ns and
talks in English. Answer all the questions on the basis o f what is stated or imp lied by the
speaker s you hear. Do not take notes.

Listening: Part A
In this part you will see short conversations between two people. Choose the best answer
to each question. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the

1. Woman: Pardon me. Do you know what time that this store opens?
Man: I do not, but I believe that it is written o n the door.

Narrator: What does the man imply that the woman should do ?
a. Look on the door
b. Open the door
c. Ask someone else
d. Come back later

2. Woman: I am going to buy Johnny a toy train for his birthday.
Man: Are you sure he’d like one?

Narrator: What does the man imply?
a. Johnny loves to y trains
b. Johnny already has too many toy trains
c. Johnny said he wants a toy train
d. Johnny may prefer something else

3. Man: I need some shampoo for my hair.
Woman: All of the shampoo is in the back o f the store on the third shelf.

Narrator: What will the man probably do ?
a. Walk out of the store
b. Buy the shampoo
c. Come back later
d. Go to another store

4. Man: Are you going to go to the University o f Texas to get your Doctorate?
Woman: I don’t think so.
Man: Why, have you been accepted to any other schools?
Woman: Yes, I have received news of acceptance fro m LSU, University of
Tennessee, and Harvard.

Narrator: What are the speakers discussing ?
a. The University of Texas
b. Schools with Doctorate programs
c. Where the woman will go to school
d. Who can get accepted to the most schools

5. Man: I’m really tired on studying for economics every weekend.
Woman: I hear you.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She has excellent hearing
b. She has hear d the man talk about this frequently
c. She understands his point of view
d. She needs to have her ears checked

6. Man: We are going to get ice cream. Would you like to come with us?
Wo man: I am waiting for a package to be delivered.

Narrator: What does the woman imply?
a. She does not eat ice cream
b. She has no money
c. She does not like packages
d. She will not be going

7. Woman: Are you going to go to the ball game?
Man: You bet!

Narrator: What does the man mean?
a. He will place a wager on the ball game
b. He will definitely go to the ball game
c. He likes to gamble
d. He does not like ball games

8. Man: That’s a nice car.
Woman: I got it almost four years ago.
Man. It looks brand new.
Woma n: Yes, it’s in good shape .

Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. The woman need s a new car
b. She likes to exercise
c. She has a new car
d. The car is in good condition

9. Man: Did you get you movie passes?
Woman: I spoke to your secretary about it, and she took care of it for me.

Narrator: What does the man mean?
a. The secretary was responsible for getting the mo vie passes
b. The are no mo vie passes
c. He has the movie passes
d. The movie passes are in the mail

10. Man: How do you like living in America?
Woman: I am used to it know.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She has always liked living in America
b. She hates living in America
c. She is accustomed to living in America
d. She would rather live in America

11. Woman: Marie sure likes shopping.
Man: I f only she liked doing homework as well!

Narrator: What does the man imply about Marie?
a. She is very likeable
b. She does not put much effort into her homework
c. She goes to the mall everyday
d. She has a lo t of homework

12. Man: I thought I was supposed to perform the experiment in Room 45.
Woman: No. Ticket 45 is in Room 54.

Narrator: What will the man probably do ?
a. Go to Room 54
b. Go to Room 45
c. Buy a ticket
d. Go home

13. Man: Did you know that Tracey and Bo b are back from their honeymoon to Las
Woma n: So the y d id get married after all.

Narrator: What had the woman assumed about Tracey and Bob?
a. They were still in Las Vegas
b. They would not get married
c. They had a spectacular wedding
d. They hate Las Vegas

14. Man: Do you usually take a nap?
Woman: I do no w and then.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She occasionally takes a nap
b. She always takes a nap
c. She never takes a nap
d. She used to take a nap

15. Man: Can you believe it? I got an A o n my Finance exam
Woman: Way to go!

Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She is asking where to go
b. She wants him to leave her alone
c. She is congratulating him
d. She thinks he is a liar

16. Man: How did the job interview go?
Woman: I could not have been more pleased.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. The interview went very well
b. The woman did not like the interview
c. The interview was cancelled
d. The interview went terrible

17. Man: Do you mind if I turn on some music for a while?
Woman: No, I don’t mind.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. Music will not bother her
b. She hates listening to music
c. She wants to think harder
d. She does not have any music

Tetap semangat, terus belajar, dan terus tingkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Semoga tips dari saya bisa membantu Anda semua.
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READ MORE - Sample Test 4: Listening Part A

8th Semester Schedule at Mercu Buana University

This is such an information for you to see how we gonna take "KRS" for 8th semester. If you want to look another schedule, just check it out in my web.
Note: Click read more below.

8th Semester Mercu Buana University
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6th Semester Schedule at Mercu Buana University

This is such an information for you to see how we gonna take "KRS" for 6th semester. If you want to look another schedule, just check it out in my web.
Note: Click read more below.

6th Semester Mercu Buana University
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4th Semester Schedule at Mercu Buana University

This is such an information for you to see how we gonna take "KRS" at this semester (4th semester). If you want to look another schedule, just check it out in my web.
Note: Click read more below.

4th Semester Mercu Buana University
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Masalah yang kadang Terjadi dalam TOEFL iBT

Anda tahu apa salah satu masalah besar dengan versi iBT (Internet) dari TOEFL? Internet tidak selalu stabil. Hanya beberapa hari yang lalu, pelajar TOEFL di Asia memiliki banyak kesulitan mengambil ujian:

Masalah utama adalah dengan ETS (perusahaan yang menjalankan TOEFL) server di Amerika Serikat. Tentang 4.000 siswa di Korea Selatan harus menunggu selama dua jam untuk server yang akan ditetapkan sebelum mereka dapat mengambil ujian. Beberapa tidak dapat mengikuti ujian sama sekali. ETS memiliki banyak sistem komputer dan jaringan karena kesalahan mengadopsi berbasis Internet Test (iBT) TOEFL di tahun 2006. Hal ini karena telah format iBT terbiasa untuk men-download soal ulangan dari server utama sepanjang ujian, sementara sistem sebelumnya, Komputer berbasis Test (CBT), pertanyaan yang disimpan secara terpisah pada setiap komputer.

Banyak siswa yang membutuhkan skor TOEFL untuk masuk perguruan tinggi sekarang harus memiliki nilai sebelum waktunya (in time). Beberapa bahkan telah mendesak tindakan hukum terhadap ETS. Orang di kota-kota kecil dan kota yang sering melakukan perjalanan ke kota yang lebih besar untuk mengambil ujian ... telah banyak kehilangan uang dan waktu.

ETS mengatakan bahwa masalah ini disebabkan oleh server utama di Amerika Serikat dan akan membolehkan pengembalian biaya atau gratis mengulangi tes kembali bagi orang-orang yang telah mendaftar.

Apakah kalian pikir itu cukup, atau siswa harus ETS kompensasi lebih lanjut? Jika Anda telah mengambil TOEFL iBT sebelumnya, apakah Anda mengalami masalah teknis?

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TOEIC® - Test of English for TOEIC® - Test of English for International CommunicationTM

The global standard for measuring English language skills for business:...

More than 4.5 million people each year take the TOEIC tests to advance their careers. And, for more than 25 years, TOEIC test scores have helped thousands of corporations, educational institutions and governments throughout the world recruit, hire and promote the most qualified candidates.

The new TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests have been added to the TOEIC English-language learning product line. They complement the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test for a full assessment of a person's ability to communicate in English across all four language skills.

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READ MORE - TOEIC® - Test of English for TOEIC® - Test of English for International CommunicationTM

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Answer Sheet for TOEFL Predictions

Answer Sheet for TOEFL Predictions
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Mercu Buana English Club (MBEC)

Answer Sheet
(……………………….. Comprehension)

Name :
Faculty / Major :
Telp. Number :

1. A B C D
2. A B C D
3. A B C D
4. A B C D
5. A B C D
6. A B C D
7. A B C D
8. A B C D
9. A B C D
10. A B C D
11. A B C D
12. A B C D
13. A B C D
14. A B C D
15. A B C D
16. A B C D
17. A B C D
18. A B C D
19. A B C D
20. A B C D
21. A B C D
22. A B C D
23. A B C D
24. A B C D
25. A B C D
26. A B C D
27. A B C D
28. A B C D
29. A B C D
30. A B C D
31. A B C D
32. A B C D
33. A B C D
34. A B C D
35. A B C D
36. A B C D
37. A B C D
38. A B C D
39. A B C D
40. A B C D
41. A B C D
42. A B C D
43. A B C D
44. A B C D
45. A B C D
46. A B C D
47. A B C D
48. A B C D
49. A B C D
50. A B C D

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Soal Test TOEFL saat TOEFL Prediction for MBEC 2008

Soal Test TOEFL saat TOEFL Prediction for MBEC 2008
September 2008
Mercu Buana English Club (MBEC)
Download File soal TOEFL Prediction, click in here.

Choose the best answer and cross (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer sheet!
Structure and Written Expression

1. From 1949 onward ,the artist Georgia O’Keeffe
made New Mexico -----.
(A) her permanent residence was
(B) where her permanent residence
(C) permanent residence for her
(D) her permanent residence

2. Just as remote-controlled satellites can be
employed to explore outer space, ---- employed
to investigate the deep sea.
(A) can be robots
(B) robots can be
(C) can robots
(D) can robots that are

3. In --- people, the areas of the brain that control
speech are located in the left hemisphere.
(A) mostly of
(B) most
(C) almost the
(D) the most of

4. Stars shine because of ---- produced by the
nuclear reactions taking place within them.
(A) the amount of light and heat is
(B) which the amount of light and heat
(C) the amount of light and heat that it is
(D) the amount of light and heat

5. ---- is not clear to researchers.
(A) Why dinosaurs having become extinct.
(B) Why dinosaurs became extinct
(C) Did dinosaurs become extinct
(D) Dinosaurs became extinct

6. Although many people use the word “milk” to
refer to cow’s milk,--- to milk from any
mammal, including human milk and goat’s milk.
(A) applying it also
(B) applies also
(C) it also applies
(D) but it also applies

7. The first transatlantic telephone cable system
was not established --- 1956.
(A) while
(B) until
(C) on
(D) when

8. ---- on two people think exactly alike, there will always be disagreement, but disagreement
should not always be avoided: it can be healthy
if handled creatively.
(A) There are
(B) Why
(C) That
(D) Because

9. Drinking water ---- excessive amounts of
fluorides may leave a stained or mottled effect
on the enamel of teeth.
(A) containing
(B) in which containing
(C) contains
(D) that contain

10. In the 1820’s physical education became --- of
the curriculum of Harvard and Yale
(A) to be part
(B) which was part
(C) was part
(D) part

11. Pewter, ---- for eating and drinking utensils in
colonial America, is about ninety percent tin,
with copper or bismuth added for hardness.
(A) was widely used
(B) widely used it
(C) widely used
(D) which widely used

12. A moth possesses two pairs of wings --- as a
single pair and are covered with dust like
(A) function
(B) are functioning
(C) that function
(D) but functions

13. Soap operas, a type of television drama series,
are so called because, at first they were ----.
(A) often which soap manufacturers
(B) sponsored often soap manufactures
(C) often sponsored by soap manufacturers
(D) soap manufactures often sponsored them

14. The Woolworth Building in New York was the
highest in America when --- in 1913 and was
famous for its use of Gothic decorative
(A) built
(B) it built
(C) was built
(D) built it

15. Humans,----, interact through communicative
behavior by means of signs or symbols used
(A) like other animals
(B) how other animals
(C) other animals that
(D) do other animals

Choose the wrong word/choice which must be replaced to another word. Circle that!
16. More and 90 percent of the calcium in the human body is in the skeleton.
17. Perhaps the most popular film in movie history, Star Wars was written and direction by George
18. Some animal activities, such as mating, migration, and hibernate have a yearly cycle.
19. Geographers were once concerned largely with exploring areas unknown to them and from
describing distinctive features of individual places.
20. In his animated films, Walt Disney created animals that talk and act like people while retaining its
animal traits.
21. The first city in the United States that put into effect major plan for the clustering of government
buildings was Washington.
22. In a microwave oven, radiation penetrates food and is then absorbed primarily by water molecule,
caused heat to spread through the food .
23. The cultures early of the genus Home were generally distinguished by regular use of stone tools and
by a hunting and gathering economy.
24.Dolphins are sleek and powerful swimmers that found in all seas and unlike porpoises, have
well-defined beaklike snouts and conical teeth.
25.The velocity of a river is controlled by the slope, the depth, and the rough of the riverbed.
26.The phonograph record was the first successful medium for capturing, preservation, and reproducing
27. Generally, the pattern of open space in urban areas has shaped by commercial systems, governmental
actions, and cultural traditions.

28. A liquid that might be a poor conductor when pure is often used to make solutions that readily
transmits electricity.
29.The initial discovery by humans almost 10,000 years ago that they could exploit metallic mineral
deposits was an important milestone in the development civilization.
30. In 1989 Tillie Fowler, a Republican, became the first member of her party to serving as president of
the city council of Jacksonville, Florida.
31.General anesthesia, which is usually used for major surgery, involves a complete loss
consciousness and a relaxed of the muscles.
32.After first establishment subsistence farms along the Atlantic seaboard, European settlers in North
America developed a maritime and shipbuilding industry.
33.The legs of a roadrunner are enough strong that it can run up to 24 kilometers per hour to catch
lizards and small rodents.
34. For the immune system of a newborn mammal to develop properly, the presence of the thymus gland
is essentially.
35. Physicians working in the field of public health are mainly concerned with the environmental causes A B
of ill and how to eliminate them.
36. By 1850, immigration from distance shores, as well as migration from the countryside, had caused
New York City’s population to swell.
37. By identifying similar words or structures in different languages, we find evidence that those
languages are related and may be derived from same ancestor.
38. Astronomers use photography and sighting telescopes to study the motions of all of the bright stars
and many of the faint one .
39. In the nineteenth century a number of Native American tribe, such as the Comanche’s, lived a
nomadic existence hunting buffalo
40.The average elevation of West Virginia is about 1,500 foot above sea level.

Reading Comprehension

Question 1-9
The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds a plethora of climbing
mammals of moderately large size, which may include monkeys, cats, civets, and
porcupines. Smaller species, including such rodents as mice and small squirrels, are not
line as prevalent overall in high tropical canopies as they are in most habitats globally.
(5) Small mammals, being warm blooded, suffer hardship in the exposed and turbulent
environment of the uppermost trees. Because a small body has more surface area per unit
of weight than a large one of similar shape, it gains or loses heat more swiftly. Thus, in
the trees, where shelter from heat and cold may be scarce and conditions may fluctuate, a
small mammal may have trouble maintaining its body temperature.
(10) Small size makes it easy to scramble among twigs and branches in the canopy for
insects, flowers, or fruit, but small mammals are surpassed, in the competition for food,
by large ones that have their own tactics for browsing among food-rich twigs. The weight
of a gibbon (a small ape) hanging below a branch arches the terminal leaves down so that
fruit-bearing foliage drops toward the gibbon’s face. Walking or leaping species of a
(15) similar or even larger size access the outer twigs either by snapping off and retrieving the
whole branch or by clutching stiff branches with the feet or tail and plucking food with
their hands.
Small climbing animals may reach twigs readily, but it is harder for them than for large
climbing animals to cross the wide gaps from on tree crown to the next that typify the
(20) high canopy. A macaque or gibbon can hurl itself farther than a mouse can: it can achieve
a running start, and it can more effectively use a branch as a springboard, even bouncing
on a climb several times before jumping. The forward movement of a small animal is
seriously reduced by the air friction against the relatively large surface area of its body.
Finally, for the many small mammals that supplement their insect diet with fruits or seeds
(25) an inability to span open gaps between tree crowns may be problematic, since trees that
yield these foods can be sparse.

1. The passage answers which of the following
(A) How is the rain forest different from other habitats?
(B) How does an animal’s body size influence
an animal’s need for food?
(C) Why does the rain forest provide an
unusual variety of food for animals?
(D) Why do large animals tend to dominate the
upper canopy of the rain forest?

2.Which of the following animals is less common
in the upper canopy than in other
(A) Monkeys
(B) Cats
(C) Porcupines
(D) Mice

3. The word “they” in line 4 refers to
(A) trees
(B) climbing mammals of moderately large size
(C) smaller species
(D) high tropical canopies

4. According to paragraph 2, which of the
following is true about the small mammals in
the rain forest?
(A) They have body shapes that are adapted to
life in the canopy.
(B) They prefer the temperature and climate of
the canopy to that of other environments.
(C) They have difficulty with the changing
conditions in the canopy.
(D) They use the trees of the canopy for shelter
from heat and cold.

5. In discussing animal size in paragraph 3, the
author indicates that
(A) small animals require proportionately more
food than larger animals do
(B) a large animal’s size is an advantage in
obtaining food in the canopy
(C) small animals are often attacked by large
animals in the rain forest
(D) small animals and large animals are
equally adept at obtaining food in the

6. The word “typify” in line 19 is closest in
meaning to
(A) resemble
(B) protect
(C) characterize
(D) divide

7. According to paragraph 4, what makes
jumping from one tree crown to another
difficult for small mammals?
(A) Air friction against the body surface
(B) The thickness of the branches
(C) The dense leaves of the tree crown
(D) The inability to use the front feet as hands

8. The word ‘supplement” in line 24 is closest in
meaning to
(A) control
(B) replace
(C) look for
(D) add to
9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage?
(A) canopy(line 1)
(B) warm blooded(line 5)
(c) terminal leaves(line13)
(D) springboard(line 21)

Question 10-19
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, almost nothing was written about the
contributions of women during the colonial period and the early history of the newly
formed United States. Lacking the right to vote and absent from the seats of power, women
line were not considered an important force in history. Anne Bradstreet wrote some significant
5) poetry in the seventeenth century, Mercy Otis Warren produced the best contemporary
history of the American Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned important letters showing
she exercised great political influence over her husband, John, the second President of the
United States. But little or no notice was taken of these contributions. During these
Centuries, women remained invisible in history books.
(10) Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the efforts
of female authors writing about women. These writers, like most of their male counterparts,
were amateur historians. Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical
in their selection and use of sources.
During the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed a keen sense of
(15) history by keeping records of activities in which women were engaged. National, regional,
and local women’s organizations compiled accounts of their doings. Personal
correspondence, newspaper clippings, and souvenirs were saved and stored. These sources
from the core of the two greatest collections of women’s history in the United States one at
the Elizabeth and Arthur Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe College, and the other the Sophia
(20) Smith Collection at Smith College. Such sources have provided valuable materials for later
Generations of historians.
Despite the gathering of more information about ordinary women during the nineteenth
Century, most of the writing about women conformed to the “great women” theory of
History, just as much of mainstream American history concentrated on “great men.” To
(25) demonstrate that women were making significant contributions to American life, female
authors singled out women leaders and wrote biographies, or else important women
produced their autobiographies. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as
reformers, activists working for women’s right to vote, or authors, and were not
representative at all of the great of ordinary woman. The lives of ordinary people
(30) continued, generally, to be untold in the American histories being published.

10. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The role of literature in early American
(B) The place of American women in written
(C) The keen sense of history shown by
American women
(D)The “great women” approach to history
used by American historians

11. The word “contemporary” in line 5 means
that the history was
(A) informative
(B) written at that time
(C) thoughtful
(D) faultfinding

12. In the first paragraph, Bradstreet, Warren, and
Adams are mentioned to show that
(A) a woman’s status was changed by marriage
(B) even the contributions of outstanding
women were ignored
(C) only three women were able to get their
writing published
(D) poetry produced by women was more
readily accepted than other writing by

13. The word “celebratory” in line 12 means that
the writings referred to were
(A) related to parties
(B) religious
(C) serious
(D) full of praise

14. The word “they” in line 12 refers to
(A) efforts
(B) authors
(C) counterparts
(D) sources

15. In the second paragraph, what weakness in
nineteenth-century histories does the author
point out?
(A) They put too much emphasis on daily
(B) They left out discussion of the influence of
money on politics.
(C) The sources of the information they were
based on were not necessarily accurate.
(D) They were printed on poor-quality paper.

16. On the basis of information in the third paragraph, which of the following would most likely have been collected by nineteenth-century feminist organizations?
(A) Newspaper accounts of presidential
election results
(B) Biographies of John Adams
(C) Letters from a mother to a daughter
advising her how to handle a family
(D) Books about famous graduates of the
country’s first college

17. What use was made of the nineteenth-century
women’s history materials in the Schlesinger
Library and the Sophia Smith Collection?
(A) They were combined and published in a
multivolume encyclopedia
(B) They formed the basis of college courses in
the nineteenth century.
(C) They provided valuable information for
twentieth—century historical researchers.
(D) They were shared among women’s colleges
throughout the United States.

18. In the last paragraph, the author mentions all
of the following as possible roles of
nineteenth-century “great women” EXCEPT
(A) authors
(B) reformers
(C) activists for women’s rights
(D) politicians

19. The word “representative” in line 29 is closest
in meaning to
(A) typical
(B) satisfied
(C) supportive
(D) distinctive

Question 20-29
The end of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth century were
Marked by the development of an international Art Nouveau style, characterized by sinuous
Lines, floral and vegetable motifs, and soft evanescent coloration. The Art Nouveau style
Line was an eclectic one, bringing together elements of Japanese art, motifs of ancient cultures,
(5) and natural forms. The glass objects of this style were elegant in outline, although often
deliberately distorted, with pale or iridescent surfaces. A favored device of the style was to
imitate the iridescent surface seen on ancient glass that had been buried. Much of the Art
Nouveau glass produced during the years of its greatest popularity had been generically
Termed “art glass.” Art glass was intended for decorative purposes and relied for its effect
(10) pon carefully chosen color combinations and innovative techniques.
France produced a number of outstanding exponents of the Art Nouveau style; among
The most celebrated was Emile Galle (1846-1904). In the United States, Louis Comfort
Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety of
Glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized
(15) today. Tiffany was a brilliant designer, successfully combining ancient Egyptian, Japanese,
and Persian motifs.
The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915,
Although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920’s. It was eventually to be
Overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since
(20) the turn of the century. At first restricted to a small avant-garde group of architects and
designers, Functionalism emerged as the dominant influence upon designers after the First
World War. The basic tenet of the movement-that function should determine from-was
not a new concept. Soon a distinct aesthetic code evolved: from should be simple, surfaces
plain, and any ornament should be based on geometric relationships. This new design
(25) concept, coupled with the sharp postwar reactions to the styles and conventions of the
preceding decades, created an entirely new public taste which caused Art Nouveau types of
glass to fall out of favor. The new taste demanded dramatic effects of contrast, stark outline
and complex textural surfaces.

21. What does paragraph 1 mainly discuss?
(A) Design elements in the Art Nouveau style
(B) The popularity of the Art Nouveau style
(C) Production techniques for art glass
(D) Color combinations typical of the Art
Nouveau style

22. The word “one” in line 4 refers to
(A) century
(B) development
(C) style
(D) coloration

23. Paragraph 1 mentions that Art Nouveau glass
was sometimes similar to which aspect of
ancient buried glass?
(A) The distortion of the glass
(B) The appearance of the glass surface
(C) The shapes of the glass objects
(D) The size of the glass objects

24. The word “prized” in line 14 is closest in
meaning to
(A) valued
(B) universal
(C) uncommon
(D) preserved

25. The word “overtaken” in line 19 is closest
in meaning to
(A) surpassed
(B) inclined
(C) expressed
(D) applied

26. What does the author mean by stating that
“function should determine form” (line 22)?
(A) A useful object should not be attractive.
(B) The purpose of an object should influence
its form.
(C) The design of an object is considered more
significant than its function.
(D) The form of an object should not include
decorative elements.

27. It can be inferred from the passage that one
reason Functionalism became popular was
that it
(A) clearly distinguished between art and
(B) appealed to people who liked complex
painted designs
(C) reflected a common desire to break from
the past
(D) was easily interpreted by the general public

28. Paragraph 3 supports which of the following
statements about Functionalism?
(A) Its design concept avoided geometric
(B) It started on a small scale and then
spread gradually.
(C) It was a major force in the decorative arts
before the First World War.
(D) It was not attractive to architects all

29. According to the passage, an object made in
the Art Nouveau style would most likely
(A) a flowered design
(B) bright colors
(C) modern symbols
(D) a textured surface

Question 30
During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps
only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers
move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The surge often progresses along a glacier
line like a great wave, proceeding from one section to another. Sub glacial streams of melt water
(5) water pressure under the glacier might lift it off its bed, overcoming the friction between ice
and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders downhill Surge glaciers also might
be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. However, many of these
glaciers exist in the same area as normal glaciers, often almost side by side.
(10) Some 800 years ago, Alaska’s Hubbard Glacier advanced toward the sea, retreated, and
advanced again 500 years later. Since 1895, this scenery-mile-long river of ice has been
flowing steadily toward the Gulf of Alaska at a rate of approximately 200 feet per year. In
June 1986, however, the glacier surged ahead as much as 47 feet a day. Meanwhile, a
western tributary, called Valerie Glacier, advanced up to 112 feet a day. Hubbard’s surge
(15) closed off Russell Fiord with a formidable ice dam, some 2,500 feet wide and up to 800
feet high, whose caged waters threatened the town of Yakutat to the south.
About 20 similar glaciers around the Gulf of Alaska are heading toward the sea. If
enough surge glaciers reach the ocean and raise sea levels, West Antarctic ice shelves could
rise off the seafloor and become adrift. A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern
(20) Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, causing sea
levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious
cycle. The additional sea ice floating toward the tropics would increase Earth’s albedo and
lower global temperatures, perhaps enough to initiate a new ice age. This situation appears
to have occurred at the end of the last warm interglacial (the time between glaciations),
(25) called the Sangamon, when sea ice cooled the ocean dramatically, spawning the beginning
of the Ice Age.

30.What is the main topic of the passage?
(A) The classification of different types of
surge glaciers
(B) The causes and consequences of surge
(C) The definition of a surge glacier
(D) The history of a particular surge glacier

31.The word “intervals” in line 2 is closest in
meaning to
(A) records
(B) speeds
(C) distances
(D) periods

32.The author compares the surging motion of a
surge glacier to the movement of a
(A) fish
(B) wave
(C) machine
(D) boat

33.Which of the following does the author
mention as a possible cause of surging
(A) The decline in sea levels
(B) The occurrence of unusually large ocean
(C) The shifting Antarctic ice shelves
(D) The pressure of melt water underneath the

34.The word “freeing” in line 7 is closest in
meaning to
(A) pushing
(B) releasing
(C) strengthening
(D) draining

35. According to the passage, the Hubbard
(A) moves more often than the Valerie Glacier
(B) began movement toward the sea in 1895
(C) is 800 feet wide
(D) has moved as fast as 47 feet per day
36. Yakutat is the name of
(A) an Alaskan town
(B) the last ice age
(C) a surge glacier
(D) an Antarctic ice shelf

37.The word “plunge” in line 20 is closest in
meaning to
(A) drop
(B) extend
(C) melt
(D) drift

38.The term “vicious cycle” in lines 21-22 refers
to the
(A) movement pattern of surge glaciers
(B) effect surge glaciers could have on the
temperature of tropical areas
(C) effect that repeated rising sea levels might
have on glacial ice
(D) constant threat surge glaciers could pose to
the Gulf of Alaska

39.The author provides a definition for which of
the following terms?
(A) Tributary (line 14)
(B) Ice dam (line 15)
(C) Albedo (line 22)
(D) Interglacial (line 24)

40.Which of the following statements is
supported by the passage?
(A) The movement of surge glaciers can be
(B) The next ice age could be caused by surge
(C) Surge glaciers help to support Antarctic ice
(D) Normal glaciers have little effect on
Earth’s climate.

Question 40-50
According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may
become recognized as the leader of a social group in the United States. In the family,
traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases,
line such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although
(5) there is no formal process of selection. In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally
through election or recruitment.
Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability, decades
of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of “natural
leaders.” It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have in common;
(10) rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that
meet the needs of that particular group.
Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader,
research suggests that there are typically two different leadership roles that are held by
different individuals. Instrumental leadership is leadership that emphasizes the completion
(15) of tasks by a social group. Group members look to instrumental leaders to “get things”
done.” Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the
collective well-being of a social group’s member. Expressive leader are less concerned
with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group
members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them. Group members
(20) expect expressive leaders to maintain stable relationships within the group and provide
support to individual members.
Instrumental leaders are likely to have a rather secondary relationship to other group
members. They give orders and may discipline group members who inhibit attainment of
the group’s goals. Expressive leaders cultivate a more personal or primary relationship to
(25) others in the group. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties or is
subjected to discipline, are quick to lighten a serious moment with humor ,and try to
resolve issues that threaten to divide the group. As the differences in these two roles
suggest, expressive leaders generally receive more personal affection from group members;
instrumental leaders, if they are successful in promoting group goals, may enjoy a mote
distant respect.

41.What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The problems faced by leaders
(B) How leadership differs in small and
large groups
(C) How social groups determine who will
lead them
(D) The role of leaders in social groups

42. The passage mentions all of the following
ways by which people can become leaders
(A) recruitment
(B) formal election process
(C) specific leadership training
(D) traditional cultural patterns

43. In mentioning “natural leaders” in lines 8-9,
the author is making the point that
(A) few people qualify as “natural leaders”
(B) there is no proof that “natural leaders”
(C) “natural leaders’ are easily accepted by the
members of a social group
(D) “natural leaders” share a similar set of

44.Which of the following statements about
leadership can be inferred from paragraph 2?
(A) A person who is an effective leader of a
particular group may not be an effective
leader in another group.
(B) Few people succeed in sharing a leadership
role with another person.
(C) A person can best learn how to be an
effective leader by studying research on
(D) Most people desire to be leaders but can
produce little evidence of their

45.The passage indicates that instrumental
leaders generally focus on
(A) ensuring harmonious relationships
(B) sharing responsibility with group members
(C) identifying new leaders
(D) achieving a goal

46.The word “collective” in line 17 is closest in
meaning to
(A) necessary
(B) typical
(C) group
(D) particular

47.The word “them” in line 19 refers to
(A) expressive leaders
(B) goals of the group
(C) group members
(D) tension and conflict

48. A “secondary relationship” mentioned in
line 22 between a leader and the members
of a group could best be characterized as
(A) distant
(B) enthusiastic
(C) unreliable
(D) personal

49.The word “resolve” in line 27 is closest in
meaning to
(A) avoid repeating
(B) talk about
(C) avoid thinking about
(D) find a solution for

50. Paragraphs 3 and 4 organize the discussion
of leadership primarily in term of
(A) examples that illustrate a problem
(B) cause and effect analysis
(C) narration of events
(D) comparison and contrast

This is the end of all Section…
Please check your answers again…
Keep up your spirit…

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20 TOEFL Tips

1. Membiasakan diri Anda dengan tiga format TOEFL

Sebagian besar negara sekarang menawarkan TOEFL berbasis internet (iBT). Pastikan Anda mengetahui tes yang akan Anda ambil sebelum Anda mulai belajar TOEFL. Jika negara Anda menggunakan CBT Anda harus mengambil tes ini. Anda tidak dapat memilih untuk mengambil Paper Base Test jika negara Anda menunjukkan dan mewajibkan bahwa Anda harus mengambil CBT. Sebagian besar dari jenis pertanyaan pada umumnya sama, meskipun ada beberapa pertanyaan baru yang hanya dapat dijawab pada komputer. CBT dan iBT yang menggunakan stimuli visual dan terdapat porsi untuk Written test.

2. Teliti dan cari informasi tentang syarat untuk skor TOEFL

TOEFL test dibutuhkan sekali untuk siswa yang non-native English, yang ingin pergi ke sekolah menengah di Amerika Serikat. Kebanyakan orang mengambil TOEFL untuk mendaftar ke sekolah tertentu atau program khusus yang spesial. Sebelum anda mulai belajar, cari tahu apa yang menjadi persyaratan untuk sekolah anda tertarik untuk pergi ke. Ingat bahwa nilai untuk tes berbasis kertas yang berbeda dengan nilai untuk CBT dan iBT. Rata-rata nilai minimum yang dibutuhkan adalah sekitar 550 (paper test) atau 215 (CBT) atau 70 (iBT). Sebuah universitas bergengsi seperti Harvard memiliki harapan yang lebih tinggi. Beberapa sekolah akan melihat nilai dari berbagai bagian. Setiap iBT adalah bagian dari angka 30. Banyak perguruan tinggi mengharapkan Anda untuk mencapai keterampilan menulis lebih tinggi daripada kemampuan berbahasa. Nilai TOEFL hanya berlaku selama dua tahun.

3. Belajar bahasa Inggris akademik (bahasa Inggris untuk Anda berbicara dengan dosen dan akademisi yang lainnya)

TOEFL digunakan untuk tujuan yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan ESL tes. TOEFL mengukur kemampuan Anda untuk melangkah sukses di Amerika universitas atau kolese. Anda tidak perlu tahu tentang dunia usaha yang Anda lakukan di tes TOEIC (TOEIC Test sangat dibutuhkan untuk di lingkungan kerja, tapi TOEFL Test dibutuhkan untuk Anda yang ingin melanjutkan kuliah akademis). Sebagai gantinya, Anda harus berkonsentrasi dalam belajar bahasa yang akan Anda dengar di kampus dan istilah yang akan Anda dengar di kelas. Anda harus membaca buku-buku pelajaran, ensiklopedi (bisa lewat online juga sih), jurnal penelitian dan artikel lebih banyak porsinya daripada iklan dan ulasan-ulasan. Anda tidak perlu mengetahui latar belakang informasi tentang setiap mata pelajaran tertentu, namun hal ini jelas akan membantu Anda untuk menjadi akrab dengan jenis bahan. Jika Anda memiliki teman yang pergi ke universitas Inggris, pergi ke kelas dengan dia sesering mungkin. Pinjam bukunya dan bergaul dengan teman-temannya.

4. Gunakan Practice Test (tes untuk menguji kemampuan Anda)

Cara terbaik untuk mempersiapkan TOEFL adalah untuk melakukan latihan ujian. Jika Anda mengambil kelas TOEFL, guru Anda akan memberikan banyak bahan. Jika Anda belajar untuk TOEFL bagi diri Anda sendiri, anda perlu membeli beberapa sumber daya kunci. Temukan buku yang telah menjadi bahan seperti latihan, kosa kata, tes praktek, CD, dan kunci jawaban. Anda mungkin tidak ingin bekerja melalui sebuah buku mulai dari depan ke belakang. Pilihlah untuk bekerja pada bagian yang Anda temukan paling menantang. Jangan hanya mengandalkan satu buku. Anda mungkin memiliki buku yang lebih mudah daripada TOEFL resmi. Carilah contoh gratis di internet untuk melengkapi buku Anda.

5. Cari mentor

Native Speaker (penutur Bahas Ingggris asli Britain) yang bisa dipercaya dan patut dipelajari, yang tahu banyak tentang TOEFL merupakan salah satu sumber daya terbaik yang siswa miliki. Anda akan memiliki banyak pertanyaan yang Anda tidak dapat melalui buku. Siswa yang sering frustasi sering menyerah. Penting bahwa Anda memiliki seseorang yang akan menjawab pertanyaan Anda dan mendorong Anda bila Anda merasa jatuh (felling down). Jika Anda tidak mampu mencari seorang guru atau pengasuh, menemukan seorang siswa yang telah belajar untuk tes sebelumnya. Kadang-kadang siswa lainnya dapat memberikan petunjuk baik dan membantu Anda dengan tata bahasa pertanyaan. Anda mungkin dapat membantu mereka dengan pertanyaan juga. Mengajar orang lain merupakan cara terbaik untuk belajar.

6. Anda membangun stamina

TOEFL test yang memakan waktu lama untuk menulis. Jika Anda mengambil kertas berdasarkan uji akan membawa Anda sekitar 2,5 jam. CBT dan iBT yang jauh lebih lama. Anda akan di depan komputer selama 4 jam. Banyak siswa memiliki perhatian kurun waktu sekitar dua jam. Ini adalah maksimum panjang paling kelas. Setelah ini jumlah waktu mulai melemahkan kinerja. Jika Anda tetap belajar sesi ke salah satu atau dua jam, otak Anda tidak akan siap untuk bekerja empat. Memulai dengan singkat sesi belajar, dan bekerja lagi hingga ones. Mengingatkan diri sendiri bahwa tes yang panjang beberapa hari sebelum hari ujian. Hal ini mutlak diperlukan agar Anda mendapatkan yang baik dari tidur malam sebelum tes ini. Anda tidak mampu menjadi lelah.

7. Tiba disiapkan

Jika Anda tiba di pusat pengujian dengan semua hal-hal yang Anda butuhkan, Anda akan merasa tenang dan siap. Ketika Anda gelisah, memori Anda tidak berhasil juga. Pastikan Anda tahu persis bagaimana untuk ujian pusat dan di mana Anda dapat taman. Yang benar membawa sejumlah uang untuk parkir. Jika Anda menulis karya berdasarkan uji Anda harus sudah memiliki jumlah pencils, sebuah rautan pensil, dan beberapa yang tidak erasers smudge. Anda juga perlu bolpen untuk menulis karangan pada CBT jika Anda memilih untuk tidak jenis. Juga penting bahwa identifikasi tampak sah. Jika Anda memiliki masalah dengan ID anda sebelumnya, pastikan membawa cadangan foto. Jangan lupa bahwa setiap kertas kerja ETS mengirimkan Anda untuk membuktikan bahwa Anda telah terdaftar.

8. Pace sendiri

Wear a watch. Hal ini sangat penting jika anda mengambil karya berdasarkan tes. Beberapa ujian kamar tidak memiliki jam. CBT yang memiliki jam pada layar, namun Anda harus tetap memakai yang menonton untuk memastikan bahwa Anda tiba tepat waktu! Perhatikan waktu Anda sangat erat. Banyak siswa yang buruk pada TOEFL karena terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu pada pertanyaan sulit. Anda seharusnya tidak menghabiskan lebih dari satu menit pada satu pertanyaan. Anda hanya akan ada 30 menit untuk menulis karangan pada akhir CBT. Menghabiskan sedikitnya 5 menit perencanaan karangan Anda. Simpan sedikitnya 5 menit untuk memeriksa pekerjaanmu.

9. Menggunakan tutorial

Pada CBT ada tutorial untuk membantu Anda memahami bagaimana untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar. Jangan melewatkan tutorial. Anda mendapatkan waktu tambahan untuk menggunakannya. Mereka akan membantu Anda merasa nyaman. Anda juga akan menjadi akrab dengan keyboard dan mouse. Mereka mungkin merasa sedikit berbeda dengan komputer sendiri atau yang di sekolah Anda.

10. Belajar tentang CAT (komputer adaptif pengujian)

Dua bagian CBT adalah komputer adaptif. Yang berarti Anda akan diberikan beberapa pertanyaan yang yang sedang kesulitan. Setelah pertanyaan yang terbaik, komputer akan menentukan untuk memberikan pertanyaan berikutnya. 10/15 Pertanyaan pertama di setiap bagian yang sangat penting. Jika Anda ini benar, skor Anda akan lebih tinggi. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang datang kemudian merupakan hal penting, namun tidak dihitung sebagai nilai lebih kepada Anda. Tidak ada salah untuk mendapatkan pertanyaan yang lebih mudah!

11. Jawab setiap pertanyaan

Tidak pernah meninggalkan pertanyaan kosong. Hilangkan semua jawaban yang Anda tahu salah dan kemudian membuat sebuah pendidikan guess. Pada CBT, Anda tidak dapat melewatkan pertanyaan dan kembali ke sana. Anda harus menjawab pertanyaan dan mengkonfirmasi bahwa Anda puas dengan jawaban Anda. Anda tidak dapat mengubah jawaban Anda, jadi double pastikan. Membaca bagian yang tidak adaptif komputer. Anda dapat melewatkan atau mengubah pertanyaan, tapi hanya jika Anda memiliki waktu ekstra. Anda dapat selalu kembali dan mengubah pertanyaan di kertas ujian, tetapi siswa jarang ada waktu untuk melakukannya.

12. Secrets untuk bagian Listening

Jangan melihat kembali di mendengarkan pertanyaan setelah Anda memutuskan untuk mengirimkan jawaban. Anda harus selalu berusaha untuk membaca maju. Jika Anda tahu pertanyaan sebelum Anda mendengar petikan Anda akan mulai memiliki kepala. Pada TOEFL iBT Anda diperbolehkan untuk mengambil catatan. Hal ini tidak diperkenankan untuk karya berbasis komputer dan TOEFL. Bila Anda mempraktekkan untuk mendengarkan bagian, jangan memutar kaset atau CD lebih dari satu kali. Pada sebenarnya Anda hanya akan mendengar semuanya sekali. Anda harus melatih telinga Anda untuk mendengarkan kanan pertama kalinya.

13. Struktur secrets untuk bagian

Bagian ini telah dihilangkan untuk TOEFL iBT. Anda tidak perlu belajar untuk bagian ini, kecuali jika Anda mengambil versi lama TOEFL. Banyak siswa mengatakan bahwa ini adalah yang paling sulit bagian dari tes TOEFL. Tidak bingung dengan kata-kata sulit. Banyak penutur asli tidak tahu istilah ilmiah dalam kalimat. Yang penting adalah bahwa Anda dapat mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian kalimat. Simplify sebuah kalimat yang memiliki banyak hal yang tidak mengerti dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang sama bentuk. Pekerjaan Anda adalah untuk membuat kalimat yang benar. Selalu pastikan bahwa setiap kalimat yang subjek dan verb. Melihat tanda-tanda baca dalam kalimat. Anda harus dapat mengenali struktur (misalnya, kata benda atau frase berpreposisi ayat) bahkan jika anda tidak memahami apa artinya kalimat. Jangan memilih huruf pertama yang terlihat salah sampai Anda mencoba setiap pilihan. Anda mungkin menemukan dua yang terlihat salah. Maka Anda harus membuat sebuah pendidikan guess.

14. Secrets untuk Membaca bagian

Sama seperti bagian dalam struktur, tidak penting bagi anda tahu setiap kata dalam bacaan bagian. Berkonsentrasi pada daerah-daerah yang berhubungan langsung dengan pertanyaan. Skim melalui petikan, membaca pertanyaan, maka untuk membaca lebih detail. Pertanyaan yang biasanya datang dalam rangka mereka muncul di dalam petikan. Mengantisipasi jenis pertanyaan anda akan ditanyakan di bagian ini. Sekurang-kurangnya 60 persen dari pembacaan akan memiliki gagasan utama pertanyaan. Anda akan diminta setidaknya dua kosa kata dari setiap pertanyaan yang membaca. Anda juga akan ditanya beberapa pertanyaan rinci beberapa kesimpulan dan pertanyaan. Anda tidak akan ada waktu untuk membaca kembali secara keseluruhan petikan.

15. Rahasia untuk Penulisan bagian

Anda akan memiliki 30 menit untuk menulis karangan pada CBT. Karya berdasarkan tes kadang-kadang disertai dengan TWE (Test of Written English). Anda tidak memiliki akses ke spell memeriksa fungsi pada CBT. Yang paling penting adalah untuk menjaga menulis sederhana dan jelas. Tidak menggunakan kosa kata dan tanda baca yang tidak yakin. Anda tidak akan kesan pembaca. Bila Anda praktek untuk bagian ini, menemukan format yang Anda merasa nyaman dengan. Gunakan format ini setiap waktu. Misalnya, Anda mungkin tesis selalu berada dalam ketiga kalimat perkenalan Anda. Anda mungkin selalu mengakhiri kesimpulan dengan pertanyaan. Pastikan untuk menggunakan banyak contoh-contoh untuk mendukung esai. Kata dan frasa transisi akan membuat Anda membaca esai dengan lancar. Menghafal daftar ini dan praktek menggunakan mereka. Selalu meninggalkan waktu untuk mempelajari apa yang telah ditulis. Membaca essay diam-diam di kepala.

16. Anda membuat koreksi jelas

Jika Anda mengambil kertas ujian, ingat bahwa mesin akan menandai uji Anda. Hanya satu lingkaran harus diisi in Isi dalam semua cara menggunakan pensil tajam gelap. Jangan gunakan pena! Jika Anda menghapus sesuatu, pastikan benar-benar terhapus. Banyak siswa kehilangan poin karena sloppy dengan pencils dan erasers.

17. Pakaian dalam pakaian yang nyaman

Pakaian dalam lapisan nyaman pada tes hari. Anda tidak akan pernah tahu atau tidak ujian kamar akan dingin atau hangat. Memakai baju favorit Anda. Bila Anda merasa nyaman anda melakukan lebih baik! Jangan memakai pakaian ketat. Anda harus duduk dalam satu tempat untuk waktu yang lama.

18. Pastikan untuk makan sebelum ujian

Empat jam adalah waktu yang lama untuk pergi tanpa makanan ringan. Anda tidak akan diizinkan untuk membawa makanan atau minuman apapun ke dalam ruang ujian dengan Anda. Eat a sensible makan sebelum Anda mengambil ujian. Menghindari terlalu banyak kafein karena akan memberikan getaran. Jangan mengkonsumsi sejumlah besar gula kanan sebelum ujian. Anda akan sangat cepat lelah. Pastikan bahwa Anda memiliki banyak air (tetapi tidak terlalu banyak karena Anda tidak ingin buang waktu di WC).

19. Merujuk pada situs resmi TOEFL

Situs resmi TOEFL ( telah membantu sejumlah hal yang dapat Anda download secara gratis. Mereka akan menyediakan Anda dengan daftar topik untuk menulis esai. Anda juga dapat menemukan informasi penting tentang uji pusat dan menguji update. Banyak dari pertanyaan anda dapat dijawab disini. Anda juga akan mendapatkan petunjuk tentang sumber daya yang patut membeli.

20. Skor

Nilai untuk iBT tersedia online 15 hari setelah Anda mengambil ujian. Untuk karya berbasis komputer dan berdasarkan tes TOEFL menghubungi pusat dan meminta untuk Skor Formulir Permintaan Laporan. Anda dapat memilih empat lembaga di mana anda ingin skor yang akan dikirim ke gratis. Anda harus memberikan informasi ini dengan Anda pada hari ujian. Jika Anda mengambil CBT Anda akan tahu Anda Mendengar dan Membaca skor. Anda tidak akan mengetahui Anda Struktur / Penulisan nilai sampai Anda mendapatkan informasi ini melalui pos. Jika Anda menunggu sampai hari setelah ujian, Anda akan dikenakan biaya sekitar $ 12 untuk setiap lembaga yang akan menerima skor Anda.

Tetap semangat, terus belajar, dan terus tingkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Semoga tips dari saya bisa membantu Anda semua.
Salam sukses..!
See you on TOP!!

Download Bahan Belajar Bahasa Inggris (Literature)

Di sini kamu bisa melihat data-data tentang semua bahan-bahan Bahasa Inggris beserta bahan-bahan lainnya. Selamat menikmati.

Guidance (in Bahasa Indonesia):
1. Klik kanan tulisan yang kamu ingin pilih, kemudian OPEN Link in New Tab (Jika Mozila Firefox), jika memakai Internet Explorer klik kanan lalu pilih buka link di tab baru.
2. Kemudian pilih DOWNLOAD di sebelah Embed pada halaman tersebut.
3. Pilih yang Anda suka (jika ingin dalam bentuk Adobe Acrobat, Ms. Word, atau Notepad).
4. Kilk pilihan tersebut, lalu save page as (jika dalam bentuk Adobe Acrobat), atau save as jika Ms. Word.
5. Baca dan pelajari untuk kesuksesan Anda dalam meningkatkan TOEFL.

Keterangan: Blog ini sudah do follow...

nt of English Modules:
  1. Tense, Aspect, Modals
  2. Present Tense
  3. Verb Tense Book
  5. English Idiom & Expression
  6. TOEFL Guidance (in Indonesia)
  7. TOEFL Score

Tetap belajar, semangat dan terus tingkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Semoga tips dari saya bisa membantu Anda semua.
Salam sukses..!
See you on TOP!!
READ MORE - Download Bahan Belajar Bahasa Inggris (Literature)

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