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Tips jitu tingkatkan kemampuan listening TOEFL

Bagi teman-teman yang merupakan scholarship hunter mungkin sudah sangat familiar sekali dengan yang namanya TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language). Dikoordinasikan dibawah ETS (, TOEFL sekarang ini sudah menjadi syarat mutlak bagi seseorang yang ingin apply suatu beasiswa. Jika dibandingkan dengan saudaranya IELTS, penggunaan TOEFL sebagai salah satu ukuran standar kemampuan bahasa inggris sudah diakui dan umum dihampir semua negara.

Berkaitan dengan score TOEFL, biasanya tiap-tiap universitas memiliki standar yang berbeda-beda. Ada yang mensyaratkan cukup 500 (PTN dalam negeri), 550 (nilai min standar), 580 atau bisa juga diatas 600 terutama untuk program-program tertentu seperti MBA.

Terlepas dari berapa score TOEFL yang dibutuhkan, sebenarnya TOEFL ini termasuk ujian yang gampang-gampang susah untuk ditaklukkan. Bagi kebanyakan orang dari beberapa section ujian TOEFL, listening adalah section yang paling berat. Sepertinya susah sekali mencuri angka di section ini, beda halnya dengan section lain terutama structure dan reading. Untuk structure dan reading mungkin bisa kita antisipasi dengan banyak belajar dan latihan, persiapan satu dua bulan bisa dirasa cukup untuk mendapatkan score yang bagus disection ini. Bisa lah kita katakan, semakin banyak latihan dan persiapan maka semakin besar peluang untuk mencuri angka.

Tapi bagaimana dengan listening?

sepertinya susah sekali, meskipun kita sudah berusaha latihan sekuat tenaga sampai telinga ini mau pecah dengerin obrolan-obrolan di kaset/ CD tetap aja susah untuk mendapatkan point. Padahal untuk mendapatkan nilai TOEFL diatas 600, keberhasilan di section ini sangat menentukan sekali. Tidak hanya bisa bergantung pada section yang lain saja (structure & writing). Biasanya jika seseorang itu hanya mengandalkan section structure & reading (PBT), score TOEFL yang diperoleh umumnya hanya berkisar antara 550-570.

Sedikit berbeda dengan section yang lain, kemampuan listening tidak bisa ditingkatkan hanya dalam waktu singkat. Perlu tahap dan proses yang berangsur-angsur sampai seseorang itu benar-benar mampu untuk memilah kata yang didengar dengan baik.

Memulai belajar listening secara bertahap semenjak bangku kuliah adalah cara yang tepat. Disamping task yang tidak terlalu banyak hanya berkutat di study, konsentrasi dan daya serap otak juga masih fresh. Jadwal kuliah yang padat juga tidak menjadi masalah, kita bisa lah mencuri waktu 1 atau 2 jam sehari untuk belajar listening.
Justru pola belajar yang berangsur-angsur seperti ini lebih baik dibanding persiapan instensif 3 bulan.

Bagaimana dengan materi listening? biasanya kita susah sekali untuk mendapatkan materi listening yang cukup. Hanya bermodal kaset Barron, Cliff atau buku-buku terbitan lokal. Geli juga mendengar beberapa orang teman yang menanyakan hal ini. Padahal di internet sekarang ini banyak sekali media website yang menyediakan materi-materi listening yang siap untuk di download setiap saat. Gratisss lagi.

Misalnya saja ( menyediakan materi listening dalam bentuk berita yang dapat didownload. Jumlahnya materinya banyak sekali, rata-rata untuk setiap berita yang di keluarkan oleh VOA selain ditampilkan dalam format .html website, biasanya juga disediakan file .mp3 nya yang bisa kita download. Jadi kita bisa dengar berita sambil belajar bahasa inggris. Klo teman-teman ada yang bingung dengan kosa kata yang didengar, kita tinggal lihat aja di transcript berita.

Saking dedicatednya :-B, VOA juga menyedikan website khusus untuk pemula yang ingin belajar bahasa inggris. Namanya VOA Special English ( Disini materi berita listening disediakan dalam tempo lambat mungkin sekitar 3/4 lebih lambat dibanding conversation standard. Jadi kita bisa lebih fokus untuk mencoba memilah kata. Untuk awal Special English adalah pilihan yang tepat, jika sudah mulai terbiasa coba naik level dengan mendengarkan materi listening berita yang ada di VoaNews nya sendiri dengan tempo standar.

So gampang kan? dari segi materi bisa dikatakan tidak ada masalah. Tinggal kemauan dan komitmen disini, karena kembali lagi ke awal pembicaraan, kemampuan listening bukan hal yang ditingkatkan dalam waktu singkat. So butuh kesabaran dan konsistensi juga.

BBC juga menyediakan materi listening dalam bentuk berita yang juga dapat didownload. Tapi karena basenya Inggris, tentu pelafalan dan kosa katanya sedikit berbeda. Mungkin untuk teman-teman yang mau belajar IELTS dapat menjadi source yang bagus.

Tetap semangat dan terus tingkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
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1. The Duncan sofa, __________ is highly valued in today 's antique furniture market.

a colonial masterpiece,
a colonial masterpiece which
it is a colonial masterpiece that
whose colonial masterpiece

2. Ulysses S . Grant, ________, showed great magnanimity in receiving the surrender of his arch-rival, Robert E . Lee at the end of the Civil War.

that was the supreme commander of Northern forces
who supremely commanding Northern forces
he was the supreme commander of Northern forces
the supreme commander of Northern forces

3. Though renowned for his work with the deaf, Alexander Graham Bell is best remembered for his invention of the telephone, ________.

that it was an invention of ingenuity and impact
it was an invention of ingenuity and impact
an invention of ingenuity and impact
invention ingeniously and impaction

4. Mars, __________, has been a source of human fascination for untold generations of sky gazers.

the fourth planet from the Sun
it is the fourth planet from the Sun
which the fourth planet from the Sun is it
is it the fourth planet from the Sun

5. Of all the saturated vegetable oils, coconut oil, ________, has the greatest concentration of polysaturated oils.

that derived it from the meat of the coconut
it is derived from the meat of the coconut
derived from the meat of the coconut
is derived it from the meat of the coconut

6. Recently, severe management problems have afflicted Coca-Cola, __________.

which is a large multinational corporation
a large multinational corporation
there is a large multinational corporation
a large multinational corporation is it

7. Chopin, a famous Polish composer, died at Place Vendome, ___________.

a famous Paris square
it is a famous Paris square
a famous Paris square which
that is a famous Paris square

8. Henry and June, __________ was bowdlerized at first publication .

what a novel of sexual exploration
it is a novel of sexual exploration
which it explored sexuality,
a novel of sexual exploration,

9. Arachidic acid , __________ is used in organic synthesis, lubricating greases, waxes, and plastics.

a widely distributed but minor component of the fats of peanut oils and related plant species,

widely distributed, it is a minor component of the fats of peanut oils and related plant species

a minor component of the fats of peanut oils and related plant species that it is widely distributed

a minor component widely distributed of the fats of peanut oils and related plant species

10. The common sand crab, __________, carries a small garden on top of its shell.

which it is Hyas araneus
is it Hyas araneus
there it is Hyas araneus
Hyas araneus

Answers: A , D, C , A, C , B, A , D, A , D
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1. Egyptian pyramids were regularly robbed despite their intricate passageways, byzantine mazes, and __________.

walls which were false
they had false walls
false walls
walls of falsity

2. In the years following the American Revolution and prior to the establishment of a national government , Washington provided the fledgling country with keen economic insight, _________, and astute international judgment.

a recognition of stability that was domestic
to stabilize the domestic situation
which was domestically stable
a sense of domestic stability

3. Despite the appearance of being merely pests, ants can serve a garden by eliminating other bothersome insects and ________.

they can aerate the soil
aerating the soil
to aerate the soil
that can aerate the soil

4. From Wrangell Island to Anchorage, Alaskan glacial formations rival those ________ and ones located in northern Canada .

found in Antarctica
which are found in Antarctica
finding in Antarctica
they find in Antarctica

5. The undergirding of cars is adversely affected ________ and excessive jostling .

in extremely salty
by extreme salinity
which is extremely salty
with salt that is extreme

6. The red- headed clytus is a close relative of the banded ash borer and __________ considerable damage to the wood of dead and dying ash .

to do

7. The continued use of the soils of the Ozark region is no longer possible because of a number of factors, both natural and __________.

those of which are artificial

8. The common puffin is a member of the very well -defined family of auks , including _________, guillemonts, razorbills, and the extinct greak auk .

those little auks
the auks which are little
little auks
auks that are little

9. Aluminum, __________, ductile metal, is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust.

a silver
that is a silversmith
a silvery
that is silver

10. Comparing __________ with a melody by Rossini or a scherzo by Beethoven, brings into focus the difference between schools of music

a Jensonian nocturne
a nocturne which belongs to Jensen
a nocturne whose Jensen
a nocturne by Jensen

Answers: C , D, B , A, B , D, B , C, C , D
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1. From the inception of his long and distinguished career, Frank Lloyd Wright was concerned with how __________ architecture with topography.

to integrate
did he integrate

2. Legendary home of the Nabateans, Petra is known ________ housed more than 15 ,000 residents at one time.

to have
to be

3. Unless an observer knows ________ an eclipse properly, severe retinal and cornea damage can result.

to observing
how observing
how to observe
to have observed

4. Sibling confrontations containing the seeds of unrequited hostility can serve ________ familial difficulties lasting for years.

the creation of
to create
that creates

5. Judging from the blurry image of his right leg in many of his “seated ” photographs, Abraham Lincoln is thought ________ from Marfon’s Disease.

to suffer
to be suffering
to have suffered
to have been suffered

6. The most important function of the Department of Agriculture is __________ for providing a sufficient and wholesome supply of food for the nation 's people .

when supplying the means
to supply the means
to have supplied the means
that to supply the means

7. Knowing __________ the alarm for an impending earthquake is a crucial problem confronting seismologists.

when to sound
to have sounded
that to sound
to sound that

8. The Asiatic wild ass , otherwise known as the "onager," is famed for knowing __________ fast.

to run
how to run
how to have run

9. Lafon's reagent, a solution of ammonium or sodium selenite , finds use as a test __________ codeine.

to detect
to have detected
to detectable

10. Thomas Edison is generally considered _________ one of the most productive of all inventors.

to be
to have been
who was

TOEFL Answers: B , A, C , B, C , B, A , C, B , B.
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1. Because of its warm tropical climate, Hawaii __________ subzero temperatures.

almost experiences never
experiences never almost
experiences almost never
almost never experiences

2. In flush financial times, ________ on Wall Street may employ as many as 800 stock brokers and managers.

a brokerage typical stock
typically stock, a brokerage
a stock typical brokerage
a typical stock brokerage

3. Even at the peak of its power, the circulating column of air at the core of a tornado ________ in excess of 250 miles per hour.

almost never reaches
reaches almost never
almost reaches never
reaches never almost

4. Among the many unusual creatures of the high Nepalese forests _________ with genetic ties hearkening back to the time of mammoths.

a breed is of unusual elephants
is an unusual breed of elephants
an unusual breed is of elephants
elephants are an unusual breed

5. Not only __________ a strong swimmer but also, as its name suggests, it can walk for miles with little rest.

the booby blue footed is
the blue footed booby is
is the blue footed booby
footed is the booby blue

6. "Earth" is a __________ appearing in somewhat impure or diluted form.

naturally occurring metal oxide
occurred naturally oxide metal
oxide metal occurring naturally
metal occurring naturally oxide

7. Wagner's son, Siegfried, was __________ despite being devoid of originality and force.

a man young, talented extremely
a young man, extremely talented
a talented young man extremely
an extremely talented young man

8. __________, Buffon, studied tree sloths intensively before dying in 1788.

The great French naturalist
The naturally great French
The French greatly natural
Naturally, the great French

9. __________ the import trade appreciate the proportion of imported food and drug stuffs.

Few persons not associated with
Not few persons associated with
Associated with not a few persons
With not a few persons associated,

10. Beaver dams vary in size from __________ to branchy shrubbed obstacles thwarting the flow of water.

log barriers large
large log barriers
barriers log large
log large barriers

11. Elephantine appetites make kindling of Botswana's _________.

northern large riverine forests
riverine large forests riverine
large northern riverine forests
large riverine northern forests

12. Threatened with prison for debts ___________, Peale fled to Boston in 1765 on horseback.

of some three hundred dollars
some of the three hundred dollars
of three hundred dollars were some
of three hundred some dollars

13. The Previa's __________ provides easy access to the vehicle's optional DVD system.

contoured uniquely design interior
interior design contoured uniquely
uniquely contoured interior design
design contoured uniquely interior

14. Amoco, a once powerful oil company, specialized in ___________.

regional plants polystyrene recycling
regional polystyrene recycling plants
polystyrene plants regional recycling
plants recycling polystyrene regional

15. An __________Seretse Khama helped guide central Africa into its post-colonial period.

educated jazz Oxford buff
Oxford buff jazz educated
Oxford educated jazz buff
educated Oxford buff jazz

Answers: D , D, A , B, C , A, D , A, A , B, C, A, C, B, C
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1. Emma Thompson was nominated for an Academy Award as both a screenwriter __________ an actress in 1996.

in addition

2. With neither a naturally aggressive disposition ________ particularly large size, the mimic octopus survives quite easily because of its natural adaptations.

and a
with its
nor a
or its

3. Above-ground swimming pools have ________ the flexibility of being able to be moved from place to place but also the efficiency of using less water than standard in- ground pools.

in addition
not only

4. Life in the Sahara has many negative features including aridity and high temperatures but many positive aspects ________.

in addition to
as well
coupled with

5. As a universal language, Esperanto has never really gained widespread acceptance ________ its lack of native speakers.

as a result
in order to
due to

6. Readily soluble in sulfuric and nitric acid, mercury is __________ birth defects can easily result from its ingestion by pregnant women.

such poisonous that
so poisonous that
too poisonous that
very poisonous that

7. Synthetic polymers may be __________ thermoplastic or thermosetting depending on the action of tolylene diisocyanate.

as well as
but also

8. Road conditions in the United States suffered a severe setback __________ the Civil War.

as a result of
in spite of the fact that

9. __________ other mollusks, the oyster reproduces by eggs.

As to

10. The introduction of the Japanese persimmon into the United States aroused widespread interest throughout the country __________ the precocity of the trees and the large size and great beauty of the fruit.

on account of
owing with

11. The white enamel surface is __________ to keep clean in the bathroom, or in any other room, as porcelain.

so easy
such that easy
as easy
too easy

12. Colima's isolated, beautifully-shaped cone, is often hidden by masses of dense steam __________, colored red at night from the spewing lava.

also smoke
and smoke
beside smoke
its smoke

13. The true lilies developed their beauty __________ an evident need for greater insect pollination.

in answer to
so that
as with

14. When purchasing a Valentine's Day gift, male customers, according to all surveys, tend to lean toward either a bouquet of red roses purchased online __________ found at a local supermarket.

and a box of chocolates
also a box of chocolates
a box of chocolates
or a box of chocolates

15. A retailer must be aware of not only the competition from local stores but also the vagaries of __________ and taste.

both fashion
some fashion
nor fashion
as well

Answers: D, C, D, B, D, B, D, A, A, A,C, B, B, D, A
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1. __________ was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his work on the photoelectric effect.

That Einstein
It was Einstein
Einstein who

2. ________ of Willa Catha present an unadorned picture of life on the prairies of the Midwestern United States during the 19th century.

The stories who
That the novels
The novels which
The novels

3. Unlike the climate of the other islands of Hawaii, ________ Kona contains 54 different temperate zones.

that of
this is
these are
those that

4. With few exceptions, ________ are warm-blooded , have live births, and are suckled with milk from their mother’s body.

which mammals
mammals that
mammals , they

5. Among all the scientists of the 1930s, ________ was so suited to carry out the Manhattan project as J. Robert Oppenheimer.

no scientists
not who was a scientist
a scientist never he

6. By the time of the appearance of "Paulus ", __________ was widely recognized as the most famous living composer.

it was Felix Mendelssohn
Felix Mendelssohn who
Felix Mendelssohn
Felix Mendelssohn whom

7. __________ is as widespread in the U. S. as the grey squirrel, an animal actually classified as a rodent .

No mammal
Not a mammal which
None mammal
Not a mammal that

8. In the quiet of the woods, __________ sometimes hears the thrush breaking snail shells.

the one
those ones

9. __________ is a growing practice in cooperative farming associations to pool and sell the fruit as a common commodity under the brands of the association rather than to sell the fruit of each grower separately .

It, which

10. The __________ the forest reached their highest price in the 1980s .

products of
productions by
producers to
products with

11. __________ amazing curiosities of the northwestern topographical area of Chile.

They are few
There are any
It is one of the

12. Made of white silk appliqued on maroon satin, __________, found in the smoking room of the colonial palace, form a festive backdrop.

it is this figure
there is a figure
these figures

13. __________ wonders on the fair faces, delicate tissues, and individual forms of a large variety of plant species.

Environment work
There is environement work
Environment works
It is the environment that work

14. _________ were bound together by so many strong ties as those pioneer families pushing westward across the United States in the 1800s.

None was a family
There were no families
Not many families
None but the family

15. When properly designed, _________ a simple dignity because of its pure architectural contours.

marble mortuary stones reflect
the marble mortuary stone reflects
a marble mortuary stone that reflects
marble mortuary stones which reflect

Answers: D , D, A , B, C , C, A , B, A , A, D, D, C, C, B
Tetap semangat dan terus tingkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam berbahasa Inggris.
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