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Jual VCC Termurah

1. From the inception of his long and distinguished career, Frank Lloyd Wright was concerned with how __________ architecture with topography.

to integrate
did he integrate

2. Legendary home of the Nabateans, Petra is known ________ housed more than 15 ,000 residents at one time.

to have
to be

3. Unless an observer knows ________ an eclipse properly, severe retinal and cornea damage can result.

to observing
how observing
how to observe
to have observed

4. Sibling confrontations containing the seeds of unrequited hostility can serve ________ familial difficulties lasting for years.

the creation of
to create
that creates

5. Judging from the blurry image of his right leg in many of his “seated ” photographs, Abraham Lincoln is thought ________ from Marfon’s Disease.

to suffer
to be suffering
to have suffered
to have been suffered

6. The most important function of the Department of Agriculture is __________ for providing a sufficient and wholesome supply of food for the nation 's people .

when supplying the means
to supply the means
to have supplied the means
that to supply the means

7. Knowing __________ the alarm for an impending earthquake is a crucial problem confronting seismologists.

when to sound
to have sounded
that to sound
to sound that

8. The Asiatic wild ass , otherwise known as the "onager," is famed for knowing __________ fast.

to run
how to run
how to have run

9. Lafon's reagent, a solution of ammonium or sodium selenite , finds use as a test __________ codeine.

to detect
to have detected
to detectable

10. Thomas Edison is generally considered _________ one of the most productive of all inventors.

to be
to have been
who was

TOEFL Answers: B , A, C , B, C , B, A , C, B , B.
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Jual VCC Termurah

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By: setiawantw